Tiangong-1&Shenzhou-10 Manned Space Mission  >  News
Shenzhou-10 astronauts give lesson from space
UPDATED:2013-06-20     SOURCE: CCTV.com
Astronauts on board the Shenzhou-10 spacecraft have taught students a lesson through a live video feed system. It is China’s first initiative of its kind.

The astronauts conducted basic physics experiments in the orbiting space lab module, Tiangong-1. They displayed various physical phenomena, including object movement and the surface tension of a liquid in a zero-gravity environment.

In Beijing, about 330 primary and secondary school students, including those from ethnic minorities, migrant worker families, and some from the regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, watched and interacted with the astronauts via video calls.

About 60 million teachers and students from 80,000 schools nationwide also watched the live lecture.
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